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What Bulletproof Helmet Level Should You Buy

What Bulletproof Helmet Level Should You Buy?

The level of protection provided by a bulletproof helmet depends on the type of threat you are trying to protect against. Generally speaking, it is recommended that military and law enforcement personnel use tactical helmets rated for Level 3-A. This rating means that the helmet is capable of protecting against handgun rounds and shrapnel from explosions. Private security personnel may choose to use Level 3A helmets, which provide additional protection against higher velocity rounds.

No matter what level of bulletproof helmet you choose, it is always important to ensure proper fit and training for the best results. We recommend Level 3A tactical helmets because they offer the best ballistic protection. For example, our MICH/ACH ballistic helmet is the only bulletproof helmet that can stop .50 CAL and 7.62 MM.

7 Reasons Why Level 4 Bulletproof Helmets are Scams:

  1. Level IV combat helmets are significantly more expensive than lower-level helmets without a noticeable increase in protection.
  2. Ballistic helmets labeled as “Level IV” often do not meet the stringent safety requirements of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).
  3. The NIJ has declared that there is no such thing as a ballistic helmet level IV and any such claims should be viewed with suspicion.
  4. Many companies falsely advertise their products as being certified or tested to this standard when they have not been evaluated by an accredited testing laboratory.
  5. Most ballistic helmets level 4 have only undergone minimal ballistics tests and can easily fail during rigorous real-world conditions.
  6. There is no independent third-party certification for these types of helmets, meaning it can be difficult to verify product quality or performance.
  7. It’s important to research any company claiming to provide a level 4 ballistic helmet and ensure they are registered with the NIJ or equivalent accreditation.


Buy a bullet-proof helmet with confidence, buy!TJ-OUTDOORS

TJ-OUTDOORS offers a wide range of bulletproof helmets to suit your needs. We have the best-rated Level 3A bulletproof helmets.  One of our best helmets includes the MICH/ACH ballistic helmet.

Our helmets are made from high-grade materials and feature advanced design features for maximum protection. With years of experience in the industry, we understand what it takes to ensure that you keep safe in dangerous situations.

Our helmets come in different sizes and shapes to fit most people, and they are tested to meet the highest safety standards. You can also customize your helmet with different colors and finishes so that it looks exactly how you want it.


With a TJ-OUTDOORS bulletproof helmet, you can feel safe knowing you have the best protection on the market.  In addition, our helmets are easy to use and maintain, so you don’t have to worry about spending too much time taking care of them.  When it comes to safety, there’s no substitute for high-quality bulletproof helmets from TJ-OUTDOORS.


Now that you know what kind of bulletproof helmet to look for, you can shop with confidence.  TJ-OUTDOORS is a leading supplier of bulletproof helmets and other tactical gear!

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